Monday, November 14, 2016

 A New Paradigm in Healthcare

Brenda and I are breaking with our usual format and bring information to you via this newsletter about a medical cost-sharing program.  We have come across several of our clients who use this type of plan and so Brenda and I have looked into learning a bit more.

As a member of a recognized medical cost-sharing program that is registered as a religious-based non-profit (501(c)3), you will be exempt from the requirements of the Affordable Care Act to purchase health insurance and there are no taxes or penalties. 

You can compare medical cost-sharing and health insurance like you would compare a bank and a credit union.  A bank has share-holders and works for profit, while a credit union is a non-profit organization and works like a co-op.

Here is a list of the medical cost-sharing companies we have found:
  • Liberty HealthShare
  • Medi-Share
  • Christian Healthcare Ministries
  • Samaritan
Here is a great link that compares each of the above programs:  Comparative Review of MCSP
These companies are Christian-based organizations and each have their own core values and shared beliefs. Some of the basic tenants of this type of cost-sharing are excerpted from Liberty HealthShare website:
  • We believe that our personal rights and liberties originate from God and are bestowed on us by God, and are not concessions granted to us by governments or men.  
  • We believe it is our biblical and ethical obligation to assist our fellow man when they are in need according to our available resources and opportunity.
  • We believe it is our spiritual duty to God and our ethical duty to others to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid foods, behaviors or habits that produce sickness or disease.
  • We believe it is our fundamental right of conscience to direct our own healthcare, in consultation with physicians, family or other valued advisors, free from government dictates, restraints and oversight.
Also from Liberty HealthShare website:
Obviously medical cost sharing is not for everyone. You qualify to join our community if you:
  • Don't use tobacco in any form
  • Don't abuse alcohol, illegal drugs or prescription drugs
  • Are healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle
  • And agree with our shared beliefs (above)

So what’s the catch??

"The Catch"
The catch is that health care cost sharing IS NOT insurance. We do not make an insurance guarantee or insure that you will receive benefits. However, medical cost sharing members do actually pay for their memberships medical costs. For example, since its inception in 1988, Liberty HealthShare's membership has not failed to pay for any shared expenses that were eligible for sharing under its guidelines. The members commit to pay for each other’s medical costs by paying a fixed monthly "share amount" to pay for each other’s expenses.


Please remember this:

Medical cost sharing is not insurance. Many people are concerned that our membership group is not going to be there for them in a crisis. We want you to remember that if you're preparing for crisis then you're exactly the type of person we want involved in our membership. We're committed to helping each other. We are morally and ethically linked and that is an incredibly strong commitment.
Again, this information is specific to Liberty HealthShare, so please do your research to learn more about each company that offers this type of medical cost-sharing.


And on a personal note:

Brenda, an insulin-dependent Type 1 diabetic compared the costs related to LibertyHealth Share and the current premiums in the Obamacare plan.  In her analysis, the monthly cost for LibertyHealth Share (including monthly prescriptions and use of current Durable Medical Equipment) compared to the monthly cost of Obamacare came out to a $27 difference.  Some of the advantages of LibertyHealth Share that led to Brenda leaving the Obamacare Exchange are:
  • Keeps her current health practitioner and endocrinologist
  • All doctor visits are covered 100% once the annual unshared amount is met
  • She would be covered up to $1,000,000 for any catastrophic event (hospitalization, surgery, etc.)
  • Discounted rate for ongoing prescriptions through SavNet (one-time prescriptions are fully covered)
  • Nutritional supplements are covered when prescribed by an in-network physician who has undergone Functional Medicine Certification and Training
  • She is among other like-minded individuals who value health and wellness
From the inception of Proactive Health Solutions in 2003, we both looked forward to the day when thermal imaging, along with a new understanding of health, would be "standard of care.”  Perhaps we are closer to that belief than we’ve ever been. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

 Where Does All the Garbage Go?

Lately, my sister and I have been seeing a lot of lymphatic congestion in the images we take and often the client will have questions pertaining to this topic.

Lymphatic congestion, is a condition in which the lymphatic system fails to drain properly, allowing toxins and cellular waste products (garbage) to accumulate in the body. It is the job of the lymph system to remove the garbage. This is a particular problem for cancer patients who’ve had lymph nodes removed or otherwise damaged in treatment, but you don’t have to have a chronic disease to experience stagnant lymph. 

Initial breast scan results stated client was at some risk for breast disease. This baseline thermal scan motivated client to make significant changes in her diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management habits.
Notice the yellow/orange colors in both breast with more on left breast, as well as large amounts of red beneath breasts. These findings of lymph congestion put her at risk for disease development in the future.

3 Month Follow Up study showed significant improvement after improving her diet by eliminating sugar, wheat, dairy and drinking more water. This led to better sleep and more desire to exercise. Client was listed now at low risk for breast disease.

Annual thermogram shows client is maintaining her healthier lifestyle and her risk was lowered to within normal limits and at low risk for breast disease.

Lymphatic congestion can lead to swollen tonsils; recurrent sore throats; chronically enlarged lymph nodes, swelling of the hands, feet, ankles, and/or breasts; slow healing; and itchy rashes. 

Note the intense hyperthermia in the right axilla.
This client is determined to reduce the inflammation and lymph congestion in her 2017 annual breast thermogram

How the Lymphatic System Works
The lymphatic system plays an important role in both removing wastes and toxins from the body and in maintaining its immunity against pathogens. It does this by circulating lymph—a transparent fluid containing white blood cells and proteins—around the body and draining interstitial fluid from between the cells. That extracellular space is where the cells dump their wastes and where other toxins and debris can accumulate. If this gunk builds up, we begin to feel stiff, swollen, heavy, and lifeless.

Lymph channels draw this fluid up from the limbs and down from the head toward the chest, where it dumps into the circulatory system via the veins under the collarbones. Lymph channels run throughout the entire body—both close to the surface and also deep within the torso around every organ. The lymph from the legs and pelvis, for example, drains into the thoracic duct, which originates in the abdomen and travels up the chest to the left collarbone.

As the lymph wends its way up the body, it passes through filtering stations in the channels called lymph nodes. These contain collections of white blood cells (lymphocytes) that can destroy potentially harmful impurities or bacteria and viruses in the lymph.

When the lymphocytes are active, we experience what we call “swollen glands”—painful, enlarged nodes most commonly noticed in the throat, on the sides of the neck, under the arm, or in the groin. This is a good sign that your immune system is working to defend you. However, if after trying the suggestions below, your lymph nodes remain swollen for more than a few weeks, be sure to tell your doctor. Chronically swollen lymph nodes, especially ones that are hard, fixed to the tissues or skin nearby, or growing rapidly need prompt attention.

Lymph congestion reduces the ability of toxins and metabolic wastes to be removed from the breast tissue. This can lead to breast pains and/or breast lumps that raise a concern for further testing.

Lymph Massage
Most of the lymph channels lie just under the skin, so a very light massage is all it takes to stimulate the flow of lymph. Just the weight of your hand will suffice as you stroke toward the chest, starting at the feet and working up each limb and the body. Uncomfortable or unsure about doing this yourself? A massage therapist trained in lymphatic massage will know what to do for congested lymph.
If you are interested in performing lymphatic massage on yourself, here is a great YouTube video by Heather Wibbels, LMT for head congestion.

And here’s one for draining lymph from the axilla.

Skin Brushing
Also called “dry brushing,” this do-it-yourself technique promotes lymph flow by gently brushing the skin in the same direction as the lymph is traveling—from the feet and hands up toward the collarbones. This is usually done upon rising (before a shower) using a natural, soft-bristled brush on dry skin.
Here’s a good YouTube video of how to dry brush.
Another good option is to use a rebounder to move lymph

Go with the Flow
While yoga (and bodywork) can dramatically improve the flow of lymph, it will be even more effective if you modify your diet to keep all of your body’s systems flowing smoothly. For example, lymph becomes thicker and less mobile when we are dehydrated, but flows well when we drink plenty of fluids. To stay well hydrated, you should drink 64 or more ounces of water a day.

Similarly, a sluggish digestive tract can create a situation where toxins in the colon get reabsorbed into nearby lymph channels, increasing the general toxic load in the body. To stay regular, drink more water, eat more fiber, exercise moderately, and practice relaxation daily. And consider taking a soluble fiber like psyllium to help get things moving again.

And because systemic inflammation can create congestion and swelling that can inhibit the flow of lymph and other bodily fluids, do your best to avoid inflammation-causing foods like sugar, refined flour, soda, and processed foods. In their stead, eat foods that counter inflammation, such as most vegetables, lemons and limes, avocados, beans, sprouts, figs, some whole grains (spelt, buckwheat, millet), and some oils (sesame, olive, coconut, fish, and flax).

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

MTHFR and Homocysteine

In our May, 2016 newsletter we introduced the problem in detoxification if you have a MTHFR genetic mutation.  Prior to reading this month’s newsletter, you might consider reviewing the information

Thermal imaging is a means to monitor for inflammation.  Inflammation is the precursor to a host of chronic diseases.  Thus, if you can limit inflammation, you can either help yourself avoid a disease, or limit the effects of an existing diagnosis.  For example, if you are a type 1 diabetic, managing blood sugar control is MUCH easier when the chaos of inflammation is reduced.  “Inflammation” is just another term for “whole-body chaos” that causes a disruption in your body’s ability to achieve homeostasis. 

The MTHFR pathway is one way you detoxify and then support your glutathione (antioxidant) system.  But to optimize your glutathione production, you need to know about homocysteine.
Homocysteine is a naturally occurring amino acid produced during methylation:

Figure 1

 Figure 1 
Increased levels of homocysteine is associated with:
  • A strong correlation of predicting and preceding the development of cardiovascular disease (a more accurate predictor of death than cholesterol, blood pressure, or smoking)
  • Alzheimer’s, dementia, declining memory, and poor concentration and judgment
  • Difficulty in conception and repeated early miscarriage
  • Migraines
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis

The Fate of Homocysteine

Homocysteine can be rendered harmless when cofactors, vitamins, and enzymatic reactions are present to quickly convert it back to methionine or cysteine, both of which are harmless and necessary amino acids.   Methionine and cysteine are precursors to glutathione, your innate antioxidant system.

So, if there is a lack of cofactors that converts homocysteine into harmless amino acids, it accumulates in your body and leads to disease.  A reduction in the activity of the MTHFR gene plays a role in producing necessary cofactors for optimal conversion.  Without addressing this defect properly, detoxification is impaired and health is compromised.

Other contributing factors to high homocysteine include poor diet, poor lifestyle (smoking, high coffee and alcohol intake), some prescription drugs, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and poor thyroid function.

The Good News

High homocysteine levels can be normalized through diet and vitamin supplementation (vitamin B12, B6, B2, zinc, and others).

Methionine - Homocysteine Cycle

Summary of the Importance of Glutathione (GSH)

  • GSH is involved in many cell processes, including cell differentiation, proliferation, and programmed cell death
  • Daily living activities create free radicals.  Adequate GSH helps in cellular repair from free radical damage
  • The liver is dependent on GSH to carry-out its role of chemical detoxification
  • The liver needs GSH to make bile, an essential component of fat metabolism
  • GSH is essential for optimal immune function, homeostasis, oxygen transport, protection of DNA, and the removal of heavy metals

Interesting Coincidence?

An established client came in for her full body scan and had been diagnosed with the MTHFR A1298C mutation and started on the supplements specific to her condition. She was concerned that she would have lots of inflammation due to this new diagnosis.
This client noted the following since starting on her new supplement regime she has been on for about 2 years:

  • Decrease in bilateral breast tenderness
  • Able to eat most anything without experiencing flu-like symptoms for several days afterwards / improved digestion
  • Significantly decreased sinus congestion and allergies
  • Overall feeling of well-being
Below are her images of breast and abdomen. (Due to significant allergy symptoms, client was unable to have her 2015 imaging, so there is a break in the continuity of imaging.)

Breast Images



Abdominal images


Realize, thermography cannot diagnose any condition, but often improvement in the ability to detoxify the body can be seen in comparative scans with reduction in inflammation.


We spend lots of money and time working to optimize health. With thermal imaging, we watch for changes over time as an early indication of changes in health. Both of us have noticed an increase in the number of our clients, both established and new, that come into our clinics with a diagnosis of MTHFR mutation. Many of these clients are finally finding answers to their struggles and we encourage all of our clients to explore this avenue for themselves.

The methylation cycle is complex and this newsletter is not meant to give a complete understanding of its importance. MTHFR mutations effect your detoxification system as well as neurotransmitter production. Please speak with your healthcare provider about any questions or concerns you may have regarding your risks.

Yours in health,

Brenda and Lynda Witt

Monday, July 11, 2016

Not All Breast Lumps are Breast Cancer

Lately, Brenda and I have been receiving many phone calls from women who have found a lump (or lumps) in their breasts. They ask for our help and guidance for what to do next. 

Before we give any suggestions though, we go through this information to help women come to a place of reassurance and grounding. We all understand just how frightening it can be to discover a lump in our breast, so we feel it is important that more information is shared.

Please note that we always suggest that women follow their intuition on their breast health and never deny what it is they truly know. Follow up and evaluation is so very important for all discreet breast findings.

Note: 90% of Breast Conditions are Not Cancer

90% of Breast Health problems are benign.

Abnormalities may include:


  • They are NOT related to breast cancer.
  • About 60% of women will have at least one cyst during their lifetime.
  • Cysts are collections of fluids in breast tissue.
  • They are usually small and do not cause problems, but may increase in size, form a lump, or cause pain or tenderness.
  • Cysts occur most commonly between the ages of 35 and 50 years and especially between 42 and 48 years.
  • They are uncommon after menopause except in women on Hormone Replacement Therapy.


  • Hormonal thickening is NOT related to the development of breast cancer.
  • This can occur at any age during the reproductive years and may come and go.
  • It is a response to hormone changes and is often related to pre-menopausal breast tenderness. It usually disappears naturally after menopause.
  • Further diagnosis can be made with a combination of breast examination, mammography, ultrasound and needle biopsy.
  • No treatment is necessary unless there is pain.


  • They are not related to breast cancer but do need to be accurately diagnosed. This can usually be done by needle biopsy.
  • These are very common nodules in the breast and are commonly benign.
  • They are common in young women (under 25) but can occur at any age.
  • They appear as oval, tender masses and may not be able to be felt as lumps.
  • Many women have more than one.
  • Diagnosis is usually made by ultrasound, needle biopsy and mammography (in older women).
  • They may be removed by surgery but this is not essential.


  • Most nipple discharges are harmless - particularly if the discharge comes from more than one duct and from both nipples.
  • If the discharge is bloodstained or watery it is important to see your doctor.
  • These discharges are due to the production of fluid by normal breast cells in response to hormones.
This is simply information and should not to take the place of your own knowing and inner wisdom, or replace what your healthcare practitioner suggests for you to do.

Please feel free to call us if you have any findings that you are concerned about. As always, thermography can be part of your breast health evaluation, but other testing measures may also be necessary for complete evaluation and diagnosis.

Yours in health,
Brenda and Lynda Witt

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

MTHFR - What the heck does that mean?

What priority do you place on your health? Many of our clients, perhaps all, are aware of the things that help us achieve optimal health. Handfuls of supplements, organic diet, meditation, acupuncture, chiropractic care are all utilized to aid in health. Other tools may include chelation therapy, whole-body cleanses, vitamin drips, or glutathione infusions. Ultimately, all of these choices come down to aid in detoxification and limiting the effects of inflammation. Our own innate anti-oxidant system is our glutathione system.

Despite your best efforts (and your hard-earned money), you may not be able to achieve optimal detoxification. All the money you spend on your health and all your best efforts might not be benefitting you as much as you think. Why? You might have a genetic mutation on your MethyleneTetraHydroFolate Reductase enzyme. MTHFR.

MTHFR Genetic mutations are common

There are two key mutations (variants) that are tested for in the MTHFR gene:


Key definitions:
Heterozygous = 1 copy of the gene from either parent
Homozygous = 1 copy of the gene from each parent

Below is a summary of the frequency of a MTHFR mutation in a mixed population and the effect of the mutation on methylation capacity:

Normal (no mutation) C677T Normal (no mutation) A1298C
Frequency: 44% Frequency: 46%
Methylation Capacity: Not Impaired Methylation Capacity: Not Impaired
Heterozygous C677T Heterozygous A1298C
Frequency: 41% Frequency: 41%
Methylation Capacity:40% loss of function   Methylation Capacity: 20% loss of function
Homozygous C677T Homozygous A1298C
Frequency: 15% Frequency: 13%
Methylation Capacity:70% loss of function Methylation Capacity: 40% loss of function
Incidentally, if you are heterozygous for both mutations, methylation capacity is reduced by 50% (frequency of mutation is unknown)

Cellular biology
Every cell of our body (all 50 trillion of them!) works to optimize health by changing toxins into less toxic particles. As an example, one of the ways it does this is by adding methyl groups (CH3) to heavy metals, making them water soluble and we then excrete them through urination. Adding methyl groups to detoxify and protect us is called methylation and this is the goal of our body in how it wants to protect us and keep us healthy.

    Methylation is so critical to overall health. Here are just a few things that the CH3 groups do for us:
  • Repairs and regenerates your cells, tissues and DNA
  • Regulates gene expression and protein function
  • Synthesizes neurotransmitters that influence mood, sleep, behavior, cognition, and memory
  • Controls homocysteine; keeps inflammation in check
  • Aids liver in processing fats
  • Activates and modulates the immune system
  • Modifies toxins and heavy metals
When we eat foods that contain folic acid (vitamin B9), MTHR converts it to methyl-folate. Methyl folate is the key player in the methylation pathway. A defective MTHFR enzyme may cause you to produce 20-70% less methyl folate than others. Lower methylation puts you at risk for developing certain diseases.

Abnormal methylation in… Is associated with…
DNA Cancer
Endothelium (cells that line blood vessels) Cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis
White Blood Cells Excessive blood clotting, stroke

First things first
Methylation can be optimized but first, find out if you have a MTHFR mutation. Below is a list of resources and tests you can use to determine methylation defects that you may have:

However, before you spend money on any test, make sure you know what it will cost to understand the results and know what to do about it. Your physician is your best resource and consulting her/him is important. 

If you have a mutation, what happens next?
Again, your practitioner will be your best and most-trusted resource. But you can supplement with methyl folate and methylated B12 to help your detoxification pathway. It’s important to know what type of mutation you have and then what to do about it.

Interesting Coincidence?
An established client came in for her full body scan and had been diagnosed with the MTHFR A1298C mutation and started on the supplements specific to her condition. She was concerned that she would have lots of inflammation due to this new diagnosis.
This client noted the following since starting on her new supplement regime she has been on for about 2 years:

  • Decrease in bilateral breast tenderness
  • Able to eat most anything without experiencing flu-like symptoms for several days afterwards / improved digestion
  • Significantly decreased sinus congestion and allergies
  • Overall feeling of well-being
Below are her images of breast and abdomen. (Due to significant allergy symptoms, client was unable to have her 2015 imaging, so there is a break in the continuity of imaging.)


Breast images


Abdominal images

Realize, thermography cannot diagnose any condition, but often improvement in the ability to detoxify the body can be seen in comparative scans with reduction in inflammation.

We spend lots of money and time working to optimize health. With thermal imaging, we watch for changes over time as an early indication of changes in health. Both Lynda and I have noticed an increase in the number of our clients, both established and new, that come into our clinics with a diagnosis of MTHFR mutation. Many of these clients are finally finding answers to their struggles and we encourage all of our clients to explore this avenue for themselves.

The methylation cycle is complex and this newsletter is not meant to give a complete understanding of its importance. MTHFR mutations effect your detoxification system as well as neurotransmitter production. We may discuss this further in a future newsletter and share our experience with our own familial MTHFR mutation in one of our family member. Please let us know what you think and as always, share this information with your loved ones.

Yours in health,

Brenda and Lynda Witt

P.S. For those interested, Brenda is heterozygous for C677T mutation; no A1298C mutation.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Understanding Breast DITI - Part 2

Today’s newsletter is Part 2 of a two-part series clarifying the question of why DITI may sometimes “miss” a tumor. We began this discussion in our February 2016 newsletter. To read this newsletter entitled: Understanding Breast DITI – Part 1, you may click here ( 

Again, we strive to convey accurate and reliable information regarding what thermography can detect and how it is best utilized as a tool for monitoring breast health.

In this edition, we address some of the Frequently Asked Questions.

If a tumor is not active, dormant, or not exhibiting any temperature differentials does that mean it's not significant and I won't need to do anything?

Cancer is unpredictable and it wouldn't be prudent to make such a far-reaching assumption.  The truth is we don't know that it isn't significant.  We encourage you to talk to a medical practitioner about what options there are regarding this finding.

If a tumor is established, would this been seen in a mammogram?
Older, more established tumors can be radiographically dense and therefore have a higher chance of being seen by a mammogram.  However, there is no test that has 100% detection rate.  On average, mammography will miss 1 in every 6 tumors.

If I've had annual mammograms and they were all negative, would it be okay if I don't have any more?  (Then I could just use thermography annually)
Understand that mammography's biggest limitation as an effective screening tool is breast density.  As we age, breast density diminishes and the effectiveness of mammography would possibly increase.  Although you may have had a negative mammogram several years ago, your breast density may have changed in such a way that what was difficult to see previously is now easier to visualize.  This would likely increase the effectiveness of detection of tumors possibly not seen thermographically. 

There has been a lot in the news about Stage 0 (DCIS) breast cancer not actually being a malignancy, can DITI see this type of breast cancer?
We actually have written about this research finding in another edition of our newsletter titled: The Dilemma of Stage 0 - DCIS. ( and we understand the concern about this type of finding. DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ is a small pileup of abnormal cells in the lining of the milk duct. You cannot feel it because there is nothing to be felt; there is no lump. But the cells can be seen in a mammogram, and when a pathologist examines them, they can look like cancer cells. The cells have not broken free of the milk duct or invaded the breast. And they may never break free. The lesion might go away on its own or it might invade the breast or spread throughout the body. That raises questions about what, if anything, to do about it.

It is often called Stage 0 cancer, but researchers say their view of cancer is changing. They used to think cancers began as clusters of abnormal cells, and unless destroyed, the cells would inevitably grow and spread and kill. Clusters of abnormal cells like DCIS can sometimes disappear, stop growing or simply remain in place and never cause a problem. The suspicion is that the abnormal cells may be harmless and may not require treatment. But no one has done a rigorous study comparing outcomes for women who get treatment to those who get no treatment. From a thermography perspective:  Again, because all cancers behave differently, we may not see any changes on your thermogram, especially if the cells stop growing or remain in the milk duct and not develop further. For more information specific to Stage 0 – DCIS, visit our blog and scroll down to our post October 2015. (

Can I have a thermogram every other year?

Preventive screenings are best utilized annually for comparative studies to help determine your “trend” over time. Are you trending toward inflammation and away from health?  Our interpreting thermologists make this statement with respects to thermograms: Annual screening is the optimal time frame in ascertaining personal variants and reducing the chance of false-negative thermal findings. False-negative thermal findings may occur when the study interval is more than one year as the human body may have accommodated or encapsulated cancer cells and in that case, the developed cancer has become thermographically 'silent.’

Ultimately, it's your responsibility to look at all the data, talk to your doctor and decide what the best plan is for you.  See chart below.

Screening thermography has the opportunity to detect changes at any stage in the development from the first year through to when a tumor is dense enough to be seen with mammography. Ideally, if change is detected it’s best to work with your doctor to evaluate this and make clinical recommendations and possibly prescribe other diagnostic testing.
Earlier detection may lead to earlier diagnosis and possibly more treatment options.  Ideally, it would be best to optimize breast health and prevent the advancement of disease.

In prevention,

Brenda and Lynda Witt

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Understanding Breast DITI - Part 1

My sister, Lynda, and I are Level III Certified Clinical Thermographers, certified and trained by the ACCT, American College of Clinical Thermology.  We are grateful to be part of this wellness industry and strive to grow our individual businesses with integrity. We have several people working with us as employees or advocates of thermography and we work to ensure that they are properly trained when sharing the benefits of DITI.

We challenge ourselves, our employees and advocates to convey accurate and reliable information regarding what thermography can detect and how it is best utilized as a tool for monitoring breast health.  Our clients understand its effectiveness as a screening tool for determining RISK FACTORS for future disease and its use as an early detection of developing disease, both within the breast region and throughout the body.

Although we feel we’ve covered this topic repeatedly, we’d like to review again the appropriate use of thermography in breast healthWe have broken this particular topic into Part 1 and Part 2 to keep this brief, yet concise.

Understand thermography cannot (and is NOT designed) to "see" structures but rather, blood flow/temperatures related to the health of the breasts.  It is in this fashion that thermography can detect the development of later biopsy-proven breast cancer potentially at a very early stage.

At your appointment, we also discuss the requirement to establish a stable baseline to which all annual studies are compared against.  Any changes in that stable baseline indicates the early development of disease and for those with a mindset of prevention, it's best to reverse this back to the previously-established, stable baseline.  This is how thermography is best-utilized as a tool for PREVENTING future disease. 

So why does thermography sometimes not identify all breast tumors?
What is the physiological basis for a thermographically "missed" tumor?"
  1. Lack of activity.
    In order to understand how a tumor could "hide" thermographically, understand that our cameras can only measure skin surface temperatures related to blood flow.  If a tumor is no longer active and there is no blood flow feeding the tumor, we cannot tell the difference between the temperature of the tumor and the surrounding tissue.  Thermographically, this would be (generally) one temperature and therefore, "missed" during thermographic interpretation.
  2. Dormancy.
    Another possible reason for a "missed" finding is that a tumor may become dormant.  Perhaps the immune system has encapsulated the tumor; walled off the tumor from the rest of the body and has contained it.  When you think about it, this is one major role of the immune system.  In this scenario, the immune system is protecting the body from the invading tumor but thermographically it is not seen due to the lack of activity (blood flow) of the tumor.
  3. Non-vascular.
    In some cases, some rare cancers may not be vascularized or may be non-inflammatory in nature.  That would mean that there is not a sympathetic component (vasodilatation and vasoconstriction) connected to the activity of the tumor and this would be "missed" as well.
While some may think thermography “failed” they may want to consider whether they truly understand the proper use of this technology.  We utilize DITI (Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging) to watch for changes over time and it is not to be used to find cancer.  Certainly we come across changes that eventually lead to a diagnosis of cancer, but ultimately, DITI is not a cancer detection tool. 

DITI is used by women (and men) who have shifted their paradigm from one of “detection of disease” to one of “prevention of disease.”  Annual breast thermograms monitor for a change allowing early interventions to help shift you back to your stable baseline.  This is the best use of Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging.

Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging
Earlier detection may lead to earlier diagnosis and possibly more treatment options, but ideally, it would be best to optimize breast health and prevent the advancement of disease.

In prevention,

Brenda and Lynda Witt